
“All I wanted was going home – all they gave me was Louisville.”

I went to see my boys play some rock and roll music last night. As usual, they were pretty incredible. Too bad they were playing with the Fray, because the crowd didn’t really appreciate them like they should have. They’ve been picked up by a new label that sounds really promising, and the new disc drops in August. I’m really excited for them, they’re the nicest guys. They played some new tracks, most of which I had already heard. However, hearing them with the whole band was great. Here’s a few of them. It was from an acoustic show that Alex did not too long ago. Actually, I think Dave was there with him too. If you’re not familiar with them – that sucks. Make me happy, they’re my absolute favorite band. That’s no small feat. Check them out here (and read my review of the disc, too).

The Damnwells – Louisville
The Damnwells – Golden Days
The Damnwells – Tonight and Forever (I’m not completely sure if this is the right title)

more info…
Official Site

Kraig has some Damnwells stuff up as well!


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9 responses to “recap

  1. Anonymous

    Hey Lizzy,Damnwells came up on the iPod rotation today in the car and was instantly reminded of you and my introduction to that awesome Damnwells band of yours – thanks for these. Love these guys. L.

  2. Anonymous

    Nice! Where you get this guestbook? I want the same script.. Awesome content. thankyou.< HREF="" REL="nofollow">»<>

  3. Anonymous

    I became a fan after I heard “Shinybruise” on XM radio. I am truly, truly puzzled as to why this band has not caught on like wildfire. I can only assume they fell victim to some Gypsy curse, or something. I got to see them live in Dallas at the Granada theater in June 07 and was blown away by how great they sounded live. Best. Band. Ever.

  4. Anonymous

    you are damn well right,they are a great band indeed, remind me of Wayne, whose only album Music on Plastic is a bit of a classic and Wanderlust from their first album Prize. Being in London means there is little chance of me ever seeing the band live so i was thrilled to recently track down their Loft Session,they are just as good live as on record. a brilliant passionate band who deserve recognition for the beauty they bestow. thanks for the new tracks and the link to the demos. the new album should be a corkerJaylia Strange

  5. Anonymous

    colorado apologizes for the fray.

  6. Anonymous

    I find some information < HREF="" REL="nofollow">here.<>

  7. Anonymous

    tout simplement superbe !!

  8. Annie H

    I attempted to buy the song “Tonight and Forever on iTunes but they don’t see it there. So in lieu of me being a good musical customer is there anyway I could get you to send me that file? Thanks!!

  9. craiye

    thanks for the link lizzy!

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